Saturday, May 9, 2009

Children's TV

So it's about 6:30 on a Saturday morning. I've been up since 6. That's when I normally get up on a workday. And the wife and I are going to the RenFaire today, so that's a long day normally. So what the hell happened?

Lorelei happened. She decided she wanted to be up and awake. So I sit here, having checked my email and whatnot, still a bit bleary eyed, listening to the Wonder Pets. Not a very good show, really. Okay, the diversity of animals and the message of teamwork isn't too bad. But Ming Ming, the duck, has a terrible lisp. WTF? Small children don't need a wrong example of how to speak properly, they have enough issues learning to speak as it is!

I think I may have to do capsule reviews of all the shows Lorelei likes to watch. Dora, Diego, Jack's Big Music Show, the Backyardigans, Max & Ruby. I admit perhaps she watches too much, but there are times, like right now, that I'm not awake enough to play with the little one. That and it's rare for her to actually watch more than five or ten minutes of show at a time.

I think I need coffee.

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