Sunday, April 26, 2009

OWBN Council

So some thoughts on OWBN Council.

Some of those people are idiots. Sorry, but it's true. Those idiots in particular sometimes just like to argue for the sake of being contrarian, they don't see the problem in their own games so it must not be a problem anywhere else, they present poor arguments when they actually do (such as not actually answering the charges levied, but argue something else tangential), they hold grudges and take things personally.

I also hate the provincial nature of some of the games. There really are three main zones of OWBN and they all have their own personality. The West Coast is a bit more RP-focused, less sheet. The East Coast seems to be very competitive, but being sort of spread out, there's less competition. The Midwest though...that seems to be the core of the asshats. That's where the Dead Man's Hand coterie was born and based. That should explain a lot right there. They seem to be a whole lot more about accumulating disciplines and lores like they were stamp collectors on meth. Not all of them, clearly. But the rampant breaches of genre seem to be most common in the MidWest. The worst part of it is they get really angry about being called on it.

You know what? If that's the game they want to play, ultimately, fine. Even in a organized, linked game system like OWBN. But what drives me nuts the most about them is their extremely defensive, and at times, offensive attitudes about it. They seem to have banded together, them against the rest of the Org.

Again, it's just my perception and it isn't all the MidWest players. It really manifested, though, in the application of the No Need For Nightlife (Garou) application. This game may not have played as nice as it could have with it's geographic neighbors. But the entire rest of the Garou games wanted them in OWBN. Many vampires games were okay with them. But that zone, that MidWest region, got all provincial on the rest of the Org and shut them out. Luckily, a proposition went up to give them a special extra 6 months of probation to fix these problems. I voted yes and I think that it might pass.

Speaking of passing, the problem I had regarding Combo Disciplines was voted upon, and changed. Yay for Anarchs! And the proposal to limit Anarch Combos just to Anarchs passed too; though by a slimmer margin than I had thought. Damn pez/discipline collecting dillweeds.

I do have to say I like some of the people on Council. The Garou folks seem mostly cool (they like me for defending No Need For Nightlife). I like the various Coords from what I've seen, like Dale and Alan.

Most of the time, I like being on Council. I like having this sort of leadership position in the Organization. There times when the lack of maturity and general idiocy of a few drive me utterly bonkers, but for the most part, I like it.


Haven't posted in a while...partly because blogspot has been blocked at work for a while. Partly because I just haven't thought of it. So what's new?

Lorelei is growing like a weed. People thinks she's 6 months to a year older than she really is. We went to the park last weekend and a two year old was shorter than her. Surprised the heck out of her dad.

Spring Break was eh. Got kind of sick the second half of it. And since Amanda and I had different breaks, we couldn't really do anything together.

OWBN...oh boy. Council is a plethora of posts I'm going to have to put up. Oh boy...