Thursday, October 23, 2008

'Cause 7 ate 9

Just a slightly more twisted version of the children's joke...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Decoration update

Sorry, still no pictures.

The money hasn't been there to buy anything else new. I really want a fogger and some bluckys and more tombstones and secondary accessories like lighting and moss and so on. But no dice.

I was able to pick up the parts for a few things though. Some PVC pipe to make my one current blucky stand up and hold out his right arm and more PVC pipe to make a scarecrow, plus a 'costume' for it and a black funkin painted green inside. I still need to assemble the scarecrow; I've cut the PVC and so on, I just need to put it all together and spray it black.

All told though, I think I'm pretty happy with what I've been able to put together. It does look pretty cool outside and I do get a lot of strange looks from people as they are driving or walking by. And that's awesome.

Some Halloween pin-ups

I've seen these scattered a few places...I think they are pretty cool.