Monday, August 27, 2007

Back To Work & Baby Annoyances

Well, it's back to work. I know my friends that have regular 9 to 5 jobs won't sympathize, but it is a bit tough. I have just enough time off between the end of summer school and beginning of the regular school year to get used to sleeping in. And then it's back to getting up at 5:30 in the morning. It takes a couple of weeks to really adjust back to that routine. In the meantime, it really sucks.

I'm also starting to get really antsy about finding out about my baby. We thought we would have the ultrasound scheduled for last week and we'd know if it's a boy or a girl by the start of school. But for some reason, they made the appointment for next Thursday! Another week and a half of waiting! To be honest, part of the issue for me is that I have to wait that long to see my baby again. I got to see him/her at Week 11 and see it move and everything. I've heard the heartbeat twice now. But I want to see the baby again! That part of me doesn't care what the gender is, but just to see the baby and see it move and all that is all that I want.

Names? If it's a boy, William Vance. If it's a girl, Lorelei. I'm not sure on the spelling though, and we don't have a middle name yet. It was Irene for a while, but that got dropped for some reason.

And go read Amanda's blog! It's still new, but comment and encourage her!

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