Monday, September 3, 2007

3:10 to Yuma

Great movie. We saw it last night during the national "sneak preview." We went to get our tickets early, since this sort of thing does sell out. And while our theatre was probably 90-95% full, there were a few empty seats. BTW, the mall was so crowded it seemed almost as hot and was very much more humid than it was outside...where it was about 110 degrees.

Anyway, the movie itself. It's a traditional Western in nearly every way. It is a remake of the original 1960's version, but neither did they try to "modernize" it (which often means making it suck) nor did they do a Van Sant and just reshoot the movie, shot for shot (a reference to the Psycho remake if you aren't aware).

The film, especially in the first half to two-thirds, is really a character piece. It really seems to focus upon the Russell Crowe and Christian Bale characters, their motivations, their goals. The shoot-em-up at the end was incredible. And all the character work early on really pays off with the ending. It really does pull you in emotionally.

Go see it. A very good film and should be considered come award season.

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