Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kid = Cash

Been kinda quiet. No new movies. Nothing too major going on. We did manage to go down to Temecula last weekend, heading down Friday afternoon and coming back home Saturday afternoon. Had a great dinner at Bailey's in Old Town (perfectly cooked rib eye atop Israeli cous cous), tasted some mundane wines at Ponte and another place I'm blanking on, tasted some great ones at Filsinger, Mt. Palomar and several others I'm blanking on too, bought some great cheese at Old Town cheese shop after wandering the weekly farmer's market. Good time.

To the point though...Amanda did our taxes Friday evening. Woohoo! Turns out that we should be getting a nice couple of cheques back from the government. Well, as soon as California figures things out anyway. Seems that Amanda making less money was a good thing, since we dropped from the bottom of one tax bracket down to the top of the bracket below. Plus the addition of Lorelei made for a fairly hefty return. Makes our worries about summer a lot easier, as we should be able to handle the basics without strain. Plus if we can save some money, we can go away for vacation and maybe even Comic Con. And Kubla Con this Spring. And a new mattress which we need desperately.

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