Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Barack Doomed to Failure

We now know who will be our 44th President. And I think he's doomed to failure.

Quite simply, he's become the Black Messiah, the Great Left Hope, the man charged with changing the entire world. He's supposed to give us Universal Healthcare, lower taxes, get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan by summer, kill the coal industry, save the environment and oh yeah, rescue our economy.

He just can't do it. It's not that he's a bad guy or incapable or anything. I didn't vote for him, but he deserves a chance now that he's elected. But the expectations and hopes surrounding him are just way too high. No one could do everything Obama is supposed to do. There's just no way he can do it all. And he's being expected to do it all.

But he's become the Messiah of the Left and of African-Americans. I saw a t-shirt the other day at the mall for sale. It had his head, his bust, on the foreground. In the background was the presidential seal. Okay. But the way it was put together had it looking like he had a freakin' halo! The presidential seal had been turned into (accidentally or not) a halo for our president-elect!

I almost feel bad for the guy. I just honestly believe he's doomed to failure.

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