Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Org

So I'm now a few months into my term as Anarch Coordinator and it's "gotten real."

My staff is sometimes like herding cats. I'm getting frustrated that I'm getting very little support from them in getting the Packet together. That's the centerpiece of my entire campaign and I'm getting very little response from my own people. It's kinda discouraging.

I'm also incredibly frustrated with the other Coords. In general, they seem to be very nice people and mostly easy to work with. But the bulk of them just don't know Anarch Genre. They are exceedingly Camarilla-centric. So some of them just don't seem to get it when I say (insert clan) Anarchs are different from (insert clan) of the Camarilla. For some of them, all they've ever known is the Camarilla and the Anarchs are the distant cousins that you never acknowledge. So the thought that Anarchs may have power or the capability or are more than just dirty rabble is the furthest thought from their heads. And it's driving me batty. God forbid the Anarchs win once in a while.

Oh, and to see the genre rape that at least one Anarch player is doing is making me want to cry in a corner. Seriously, trading an Anarch Combo for guns and the Demolitions skill? WTF? If I as Coord had the power, I'd GNC the little cheesemonkey bastard yesterday. You just don't do that kind of thing! But I can't do that and so I have to cry while he continues to rape the Anarch Genre just so he can have his little cookies and his kewl powerz.

But on the plus side, despite all that, I do feel I'm getting things done. The Packet is moving forward, albeit slowly. I'm making an impact, I think, on the other Coords just because I won't shut up or back down. And when the chance comes, I'm gonna get that PC and it'll be all legal and aboveboard.

The Anarchs will be better for me being the Coord this year. I know it may sound arrogant, but I believe it.


Punky Kitty said...

Welcome to my world. Try dealing with the Ravnos. At least your players aren't selling powers for cash.


Unknown said...

Make me a subcoord, dude. I'll help you write some stuff. Barclay already has all the Anarch wooj I planned to get...
