Monday, December 1, 2008

Survived Thanksgiving

Well, that was a long weekend.

Wednesday was chaos. A half day at work, but we had to do things like hit the market, take Lorelei for her Thanksgiving and Christmas studio portraits and then go get charcoal so I could smoke the turkeys. And it turned out that Barbecue's Galore were being sh!t heads and closed at 4pm...I got there a bit after 5. Luckily, I knew that the nearby BevMo had lump hardwood charcoal (no damn briquettes for me) but that added an easy half hour to the day.

Thanksgiving Day involved smoking up over 30 pounds of turkey. A bit of work and stress, but everyone loved it. I think I'm totally stuck for years to come smoking up the turkeys for Thanksgiving, no matter if it's the in-laws or my own parents. Had to drive back and forth a lot though, because Amanda needed stuff from the market and to deliver the pies to her mom and dad and we accidentally left Lorelei's dresses from the photo-shoot at JC Penny's...we had to buy new tights and shoes and we were stressed that the beautiful dresses, especially the Christmas one, were gone forever. And that would have totally sucked to be blunt.

Jim Paladino came over for dinner by the way. He's got no family and it really does him good to come over to ours. He ate like there was no tomorrow. He's a good guy.

Black Friday was another zoo. We left the house about 10 and didn't make it back until after dark. We did manage to get some good stuff on pretty good sales, but man, I'm just not sure it's worth it.

Oh yeah, I managed to get sick Thursday night. Been sick all weekend long; didn't even leave the house for a moment on Saturday. I did manage to get them up, about 90%, on Sunday. Still need a few more extension cords and a few more strings of lights to really round things out. But they are dancing to the music as I type this. I'll try to see if I can't get a few moments or two of video posted.

But we survived. And now it's on to Christmas!

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