Thursday, April 3, 2008

A few things

It's weird how much a game can preoccupy your mental processes. I'm in a Vampire LARP and there are days when my brain just returns to thinking about some element or other of the game whenever my brain seems to have a free moment. Strange.

We'll be taking Lorelei to see my grandmother and aunt and uncle in Tucson next week. I'm really excited about it. In a weird way it's like I've accomplished something. That now I'm really a grown-up.

I don't know when the last time they even held a baby was.

I just hope little Lorelei does well with the 7 to 8 eight hour car trip. I think she'll be okay; with a bit of luck the car will lull her to sleep for most of the trip. She does love to be held though, so we'll see...

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