Thursday, August 30, 2007

The heat is...

Oppressive. It really is. When it's climbing up to record temps of around 107 degrees, it's quite simply just not worth going outside unless you are going from one air-conditioned place to another. I can handle the 90's pretty easily. I attended the University of Arizona for five years, and while not there normally in the summers, it got damn hot. November and still in the 90s during the afternoon? Normal. When it got above about 102 or so, people just didn't go outside. I'm serious when I say that you could walk down the middle of the main streets back then when the temps got up to 107, 109, 113 and not need to worry about being hit by a car. Even if the car was air-conditioned, people just didn't go out. It was a part of how we adapted.

So 90's, yeah, it's warm and maybe even hot. I'll even take about 100, 101 or so. When it climbs to about 105 or above, forget it. Put the AC on full-chill, hand me an ice-cold beer, and let me sit in front of the fan.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Back To Work & Baby Annoyances

Well, it's back to work. I know my friends that have regular 9 to 5 jobs won't sympathize, but it is a bit tough. I have just enough time off between the end of summer school and beginning of the regular school year to get used to sleeping in. And then it's back to getting up at 5:30 in the morning. It takes a couple of weeks to really adjust back to that routine. In the meantime, it really sucks.

I'm also starting to get really antsy about finding out about my baby. We thought we would have the ultrasound scheduled for last week and we'd know if it's a boy or a girl by the start of school. But for some reason, they made the appointment for next Thursday! Another week and a half of waiting! To be honest, part of the issue for me is that I have to wait that long to see my baby again. I got to see him/her at Week 11 and see it move and everything. I've heard the heartbeat twice now. But I want to see the baby again! That part of me doesn't care what the gender is, but just to see the baby and see it move and all that is all that I want.

Names? If it's a boy, William Vance. If it's a girl, Lorelei. I'm not sure on the spelling though, and we don't have a middle name yet. It was Irene for a while, but that got dropped for some reason.

And go read Amanda's blog! It's still new, but comment and encourage her!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Wife Joins the Blogosphere

Whoah. I managed to get my wife, Amanda, to create her own blog. She's really not into the online diary sort of thing, it's just not her thing. But after eating at The Hat for dinner, I somehow managed to say the right words to convince her that writing a food review blog would be right up her alley. So once back home, I got her started and she took off and wrote her first entries! I'm so proud! Check her out at The Spork Report.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Comic Con 07 Report

So Comic Con has been over for over a week now. Of course, we went to Rosarito, Mexico for five days afterwards and man, was it necessary. Sleeping in 'til 10am, hanging out on the beach, eating fish tacos, man, that was the life.

Anyway, Comic Con (the real info is in plenty of places better than this and you've already read it). We got in Thursday without a huge problem aside from the inane traffic getting into San Diego itself. We walked the floor for a bit, picked up a few freebies including two of the much-wanted Paramount t-shirts (one for Beowulf, one for Indiana Jones; they also had Star Trek and were chronically out of Ironman). Friday was pretty much Hall H. Some good stuff. The Star Wars panel was nearly a bust, but they did show just a bit for Indiana Jones 4. I did escape and get up to the Neil Gaiman spotlight panel and while he was cool and all, I attempted to ask him a question. But right when I got up to the mic, they ended the panel and I was left standing there.

Saturday was exclusively Hall H. Wall-E sounds really great, a near-silent movie aimed more at grown-ups, which is a slight shift from Pixar. The Ironman footage from the Marvel panel was really frikkin' cool and it looks like it'll be a great movie.

Sunday we walked the floor for a few hours, but it was frikkin' crowded. Apparently Friday, Saturday and Sunday were completely sold out.

What else? Um...the Blade Runner stuff for the DVD was awesome...Zach Snyder talked about Watchmen and unveiled a teaser poster.

Speaking of which, I managed to get a Watchmen poster (and apparently I wasn't supposed to, but I talked my way into it without really meaning to) and the exclusive Indy Jones 4 poster and the exclusive Hellboy 2 poster. Plus other stuff.

In general, Comic Con was fun, but I'm not sure about it's future direction. The free stuff wasn't as cool or as frequent and aside from the Narnia stuff (don't care) and the Ironman footage (and maybe Wall-E) there wasn't as much sneak preview type stuff as in the past. And I don't know if I can go next year, with a baby on the way and all...