Monday, February 11, 2008


Just another honor of going to a Japanese restaurant yesterday, Gyu-Kaku. Domo arigato Mr. Gato!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Cloverfield review

I loved it. It gave me a headache.

It inspired me, it made me want to vomit.

No, really. I've been interested in this film since the untitled trailer this summer. The biggest thing about Comic Con this year was JJ Abrams and I missed it! Still pissed about that. But baby came the day before the film's release, so there was no opening day/opening weekend visit to the local cineplex to check it out.

Instead we waited a bit over two weeks and after visiting one set of grandparents, we visited the others. The in-law grandma had complained of not even getting a chance to change the babies diapers yet! WTF? Oh, she got to change one all right...because we snuck over to the new theatre about five minutes away from their house to catch Cloverfield. Figured at 88 minutes long, it would be an ideal first time out without baby. Not too long.

The film was awesome. I love the concept. I love the lack of a clear ending. I love the lack of explanation. I love the sense of reality for a 'fantasy' film.

But oh my god I wanted to be sick. My urge to vomit wasn't too powerful, but it gave me a headache that lasted for hours afterwards. I had to look away at times, not because of what was on screen, but because everything on that damn screen was bouncing like mad. I did fine with Blair Witch, another "handheld" film that made others ill. But this was hardcore.

I'm not so sure about some of the acting, and let's be honest, who the hell is going into the jaws of hell for a girl just so you can tell her "I love you?" For a wife, sure. A child, yeah. But a friend or girlfriend? Sorry babe, but I'm sure the monster will enjoy you more than all the others it's gonna snack on. No offense or anything. But I gotta go.

Honestly, I do recommend the film, just with the caveat that you better have either a strong stomach or an empty one. And some Advils in your pocket. Might want to take one of those when the previews start...